Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Romans 1:9-12

It’s hard to believe that it is nearing Christmas time! The time has gone by so fast at the Honor Academy, and yet it feels that I’ve been here for years! I want you all to know how much I’m learning here and how much I’m growing in Christ! I feel that He is shaping me more and more into His likeness. I, of course, am not close to His likeness, but I’m learning how to hear His voice more and how to use wisdom in all situations.

When I first came here, I felt God was bringing me through a stage where He had to get rid of the impurities I had inside myself before anything else. I feel that he started with pride. I learned to be still, and if necessary, start over from scratch. People didn’t know me here and I felt that who I always thought I was, wasn’t coming out. But I realized that sometimes it’s necessary to start over from scratch, to deny yourself what you think you should be to others, and just be a teachable vessel.

Since then, God has been taking me through so many more stages. Through ESOAL I learned how to rely on Him through everything, no matter the obstacle. He taught me that I am strong in Him and that perseverance must finish its work so that we may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. From that, He began to teach me who I am in Him. It’s an unveiling that I marvel in. Stemming from that, He’s teaching me how much He loves me! It’s unimaginable the love He has for us!

These truths seem so simple, but they stem into beautiful, deep, intricate flowers. Through the classes, my ministry placement, and time with my family core, I am learning so much! You really must journal while here because lessons can be gone in an instant. I work in my ministry placement 31 hours a week. We interns (something I didn’t realize until I got here) literally run Teen Mania Ministries! Talk about exciting! I personally call youth pastors, leaders, and adults that want to become Team Leaders on our mission trips. It can be challenging at times, but I love being stretched as I pour into adults and battle objections that come my way (ha, I'm learning).

We go through events that are called Life Transforming Events. We have had three so far: ESOAL, The Fasting LTE, and Men and Women’s LTE. The Fasting LTE was amazing as we took three days to fast and focus on God. We couldn’t speak for two of them which was a great experience. It was so great seeing everyone be still and hearing silence. God spoke to me about who He is and also about my future with him. I don’t know detail for detail, but I know what it will entail. Let’s just leave it at that ;) The Men’s and Women’s LTE was also a really great experience. We girls had a guest speaker, Tammy Maltby, come and share on hospitality and other girl stuff. :) At first, I was like, “yuck, hospitality?!” But she really brought it from a different angle, one that starts from the heart and speaks through the heart. It was a pretty refreshing weekend. We got to hear from a panel of older women and ask them questions. I always love those because these women have been through so many trials and joys of life. On Friday night we took part in what’s called, “Damsils in Distress”. The HA hasn’t done it since 06ish so we were the first to experience it in a while. It was a neat experience, for sure. What happened was, we were put on buses (there were different shifts) and taken out to the Back Forty. We had to wear goggles and go behind these giant barrels of hay. They told us the more we acted in character, the better it would be for the guys. The set up for the guys was that their sister core(s) were being held hostage (by the Graduate Interns) and they had to rescue us without getting shot (paintball guns) or seen by them. I absolutely loved getting into character, of course. :D I love screaming so it was really fun to act petrified and scream for our brother core. You could tell that some of the guys weren’t really into it when they first started searching for the girls. But then as they started actually coming for us and we started running towards “safety” they (and us) really started getting into it. Haha, let’s just say that my “screams” started to turn into real screams when paintball guns started firing. :D It was really neat to see the guys be the leaders and it was humbling to let them. I got saved! Woo! Haha. Before we were called out, we were all hanging out in the auditorium waiting to be called out. It was really fun just being with all the girls. We sock-wrestled :D and had mini dance parties with our cores. The weekend officially ended when we watched UP with the guys in the auditorium, but it truly ended for us that night. There was a banquet for all the girls. We all dressed up and ate lasagna. It was really great because James Dean (secular music is allowed on special occasions ;)) and some other Italian singers played in the background. We danced and it was fun. I love being a girl! :)

I’m in the Student Council of the Honor Academy called, “Terra Nova”. We are supposed to be the thermostat of the campus and really set the pace. The sub-committee I’m in is the Truth and Wisdom committee. The other two are Prayer Committee and Fundraisers/Outreach Committee. I really felt God was calling me to the Truth and Wisdom committee because of my thirst and desire for it. Yall know me, I can’t sit still if I feel like it’s not being brought and I itch for more of it. :D So anyways… We’re digging into different pastors and beliefs and it’s stirring up something huge inside of me. I’m praying through and waiting for God to give me direction. I’m just learning so much about what the TRUE Gospel is & the different ways it's being told. I'm just learning to not take everything I hear for point value, but to really test it. I really am learning HOW to think, not what to think. I'm learning I'm a little more conservative in my views than I thought. Anyway, all that is for another post.

I really do feel bad for not updating as much as I would like. I’m still learning the fine art of prioritizing. We actually had a Leadership Seminar yesterday by a guy named Tim Elmore who wrote the Habitudes series we go through here. It really taught me a lot about leadership, leadership with others, and managing your time. I’m working on maintaining that discipline…doing the big things first, then filtering out the medium and smaller. (think about a jar and putting rocks in it – large, med, small. If you put them in all randomly they won’t fit, but if you put them in big first, then med, then small they’ll actually all fit! And have more room – that’s how it is with your time.)

So, needless to say, I’ve been learning a whole TON of stuff! I still can’t believe where God has taken me since arriving here until now. I feel like my true self was exposed and I went from there. It was a great thing. Financially, I’m in need. I’m okay for now, but the effects of money being taken out are beginning to hit. I have about $4000 in my account. That’s a little more then halfway over! I’ll need about $1600 by the time I get back to the Honor Academy from break to be COMPLETELY up to date. But I can be $700 in the negative, thankfully.

God is faithful, I know this. I know what the world is saying and I know how crazy everything can be. But I think of God and I sink to my knees in awe. There is just so many miracles that have taken place here for so many different people. It blows me away. I also have another crazy dream in mind. I have been praying over where I am supposed to go on a mission trip this summer. I’ve always wanted Thailand but I wanted to be extremely careful about if it was just what I wanted or if it was what God wanted. I was racking my brain and my journal about this since the beginning because I wanted to be sure. During the Fasting LTE, I was praying over it. And, all of a sudden this peace fell over me. We were sitting in the auditorium waiting (silently ;D) for a session to start when I just looked around and looked at all my fellow interns. Peace came over me as I realized that we all have such a strategic role to play, gifts and callings God has placed on all of us, to fulfill His will. And that’s when I heard the still small voice. “Amanda, I have placed these gifts and desires in you for a reason. Stop stressing over every little detail. Just go and I’ll lead you.” I have confirmation that I am to go to Thailand. Little words of doubt come from people who mean well, but through double confirmation I know this is where He is calling me to go. The cost of the mission trip is $3,791 and it’s for a month. I know that’s another huge amount, but I know that God will provide. I love this adventure He is taking me on. I have to trust him like CRAZY! He’s saying, “Come beloved, and follow me. I’ll take you on a journey you could never make up or imagine on your own.” Thank you so much more for your prayers and concerns. I keep hearing about how everyone comes up to my mom asking about me and how my little ol’ pst about ESOAL touched people. ALL the Glory to God, He amazes me while He takes me through all of this. I'm just thankful to be able to share it.

I can’t wait to see you all and tell you more stories! I’m excited to come home, and yet it’s going to be so different. I got to talk to Michelle about her time home over Thanksgiving. I can’t wait to talk with her because we’re riding the same flight home for Christmas (hopefully we’ll be near each other). I just LOVE you all soo much! :)