Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Start of Something Special

Hey all. :) I started this blog so everyone could follow my journey as I embark on a new adventure! I can't believe this! I truly can't as I sit here and realize that I will be in Texas: a state I have never been to before and a state I never thought I'd go to! And I'll be there in a little more than two months!! wow! I chuckle because my mind goes back to a couple of years ago. We were in the room designated for the Prayer Team one Sunday night and Christal was telling us how she felt led to go to this thing called The Forge in Tyler, Texas. I was like, "You're crazy: Texas?!?!?!" in my head, but I was excited for her. Then I remember following her 8-month journey and hearing the stories after those 8 months, thinking, "Wow, good for her! That sounds like an amazing experience." I never thought that, I myself, would be going to Texas! (We're actually going to be running 3+ miles in Tyler, Texas while I'm down there!)

So, wow. I'm totally thrilled for this next step in my life. God is blowing me away with how He is showing up. I am sooo blessed to have the people that I have around me: all this love brought forth all because of the love of Christ. I really am blessed. Most people can't say that they have this much support around them and this much love flowing to them. As most of you know, my goal that I had to meet on June 1 was $1100. I now have $1910! That is not including what is in my account right now, as I know some people said they were putting the money in online. I am just honestly so touched at the generosity and support that is coming at me. My next goal is by July 1 where I will need another $1100. I am well on my way already to reaching that goal!

It's hard to start new, so so hard. I knew that in 5th grade as I moved down here from Pennsylvania: from a place where I had all of my family and all of their love and the emotions brought forth from a big family. I didn't want to move to a place where I didn't know anyone and I didn't want to leave all of the love and support I had there. But as I moved here and opened myself up: beautiful blessings have come from it. From fun neighborhood games to camps, working with the four year olds, skate parks, Big Daddy's Cafe & Java Joes, Ignite, Evolve, Epic, youth pastors, summer nights with friends, sleepovers, worship that rocked my face off, retreats, parties!, celebration, Christmas times, concerts, prayer that caused unity, beach trips, staying up till wee hours of the night in Starbucks parking lots, staying up till wee hours of the night talking, working with the 4th and 5th grade girls, sleepovers with those girls: being able to pour into them; pouring into people, people pouring into me, hackysackin', card games, Starbucks runs, all the rides people gave me :), car trips, getting to know people, amazing conversations, God moments, laughing till your face and gut hurt, brothers in Christ, sisters that have impacted you to no end, and people: young to old, that have truly, completely and utterly became like Family.

I am again going to know the feeling of not wanting to leave my family and the people I love come August. The relationships that I have now, the family that I have gained in these past 8 years have helped shape me. As I look back to who I was when I moved here to who I am now I am amazed. I just find myself thinking about all the people that I have made relationships with over the last 8 years, where they are now, how they are still like family, just thinking about how much family I truly have! This is going to make me start crying just typing this if I think about it too much. I am just so so blessed. But just as I realized that starting over isn't always a bad thing after moving here, I know that that is the way it's going to be at The Honor Academy. I'm excited for this next season of my life. I'm excited for making new memories in this next year and being shaped more into the Disciple that God has called me to be as He directs my paths and as I find out more and more who I am in Him and where and how He wants me to be.

I still have so much to do. My dad wants me to raise much more than the suggested price of $2400 come August because it will be hard to keep reaching different goals once I am there. I am currently working on fundraisers and trying to teach myself discipline (it's hard for me to get things started, especially when the first couple attempts are failures). But I will get there, because God provides. I thank you for being apart of my team and I ask for your prayers more than anything else. I'll be updating this as new financial and other personal goals are met. :)

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